Monday, May 23, 2016

Trevor Noah Says The 'Lights Will Turn On' For Americans When Trump Loses In November

May 23, 2016
Shutterstock / Comedy Central
The Daily Show has been a stalwart for young Americans as the premiere place to get their news since Jon Stewart took over the show in 1999. Now that Stewart has left and Trevor Noah has taken over, Noah has had an uphill battle to win over Stewart’s audience. Even Stewart admits that he misses Jon Stewart being on the show. That doesn’t mean that Jon Stewart can’t rag on Donald Trump or show up on WWE programming, though. So Stewart is still in our hearts, but Trevor Noah has been doing cool things on The Daily Show, even if you aren’t watching it.
Vulture caught up with Noah at the Vulture Festival where he talked about a broad range of topics, but Donald Trump was absolutely one of the big ones. Of course he was. Noah likens the modern political process where big, bombastic rallies and rapidly-shifting news cycles to that of the WWE, with its big characters and a revolving door for storylines and who fans should latch onto. But through all of the mire of this election, with the racism, the catchy headlines, and big speeches, Noah still has hope for America after the election.
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“I feel like when Donald Trump loses, there will be a moment in the country where it’s just like, the lights have just come on in the club. … ‘Ooooh, you looked so much better when the lights were off.’ I think it’s a good thing. I think it’s good because it’s sparking conversation.”
If that isn’t a sobering look at the Donald Trump candidacy I’m not sure what is. I mean literally, it likens this all to being in a bar, in the dark, where everyone looks great until the lights come up and it’s time to go home.
(Via Vulture)

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