A person can gain citizenship by birth, marriage, employment, or in some cases by check. So where can you buy citizenship?
Ruth G8 minutes ago
American Jurisprudence
I have just had to clear the air in my apartment of some kind fumes, possibly toxic fumes. I have noticed odor of cigarette smoke in my living room and I never smoke. I have never smoked. I don't know the source of these fumes, but this implies malice, because popular information indicates that smoke and fumes are harmful, according to the Surgeon General of the United States, and the Atlanta Centers for Disease Control.
My conjecture at this time is that the current news papers, and news broadcasts tell everything but the truth. My conjecture at this time is that at some point legitimate government withdrew and abandoned its posts in every office of the federal, state, city, and County government. And these offices were then vacuums which were filled and occupied by obedient vassals, aliens, under some kind of emperor or dictator. This would at least be one explanation for the otherwise unexplainable incompetence and negligence universally troubling to the United States right now.
A lot of Americans have become as perplexed as I am about strangeness, and creepiness, and negligence and incompetence and vacuousness of government Administration and American military operations, schools, hospitals, all seem to be functioning at dangerously low levels of competence. And yet, they seem entirely in aware of this blatant incompetence. And further more if and when a person is found to be actually skilled and competent that person ousted by the incompetent, ones and negligent unless he also debilitates to the same level of negligence and incompetence as the rest of them. Malicious, and utterly insupportable.
The legitimate authorities in California vacated and abandoned their posts throughout the state of California years ago. What we have not are those illegitimate authority who filled the vacuum and occupied the state of California for the purpose of militarily depopulating in order to rotate new populations into the slots, or niches now being lived in and occupied presently by me, and thousands of others. This seems to be part of some unrevealed diabolical, murderous, criminal master plan assented to by felons who use non-violent means of committing murder, such as retrofitting apartments with the equipment to introduce respiratory distressing smoke, and fumes polluting the air supply and reducing the oxygen, and polluting the water supply, and introducing insects, and subliminal auto suggestion to non violently get the person to do violence to themselves or others. This is what people have done with their prestigious university degrees, learn to practice mass murder, mass slaughter, mass slaying to militarily but non violently kill. Debilitation instead of rehabilitation. Apparently, that is why there was such a frenzy when I left my apartment today to make a short trip to the store.
These people non-violently thwart life. This implies malice. And they think that makes it all right to commit murder, because they are convinced that debilitating and ruining health is the greatest good. The Sheriff's department fails to act against the crime even where it has jurisdiction to the exclusion of other law enforcement agencies.
The police department fails to act even where it has jurisdiction to the exclusion of other law enforcement agencies. What law are they then engaged in? Having exclusive jurisdiction, yet failing to act implies malice.
Military operations against ones own country implies treason.
Military operations against ones own military implies folly or incompetence, or dementia.
I am sorry to suggest all of these things. I acknowledge that it does rise to the level of patriotism.
But I am not the only one who has noticed these fatal flaws.
This is the reason why I am at odds with Jewry and Jewish society and others who see that something is wrong and say nothing, hoping to "cash in" on fatal flaws, negligence or incompetence that exists. Jewry and Jewish intellectual society was plagued with fatal character flaws and depravity, aided and abetted the Nazis who used them against their own kind.
Any way I am pretty furious about somebody trying maliciously to weaken my health.
sirvando8 hours ago
Lets get to the Root of the problem, Mexican Irresponsible Politicions. Mexican Politicions are owned by Drug Cartel King-Pin, "Chapo Guzman". Greedy Mex. Politicions push the Un-wanted Mex. citizens into U.S., where UNIVISON works on them to send they're money home. Aiding the Mex. government to continue ignoring the needs of they're countrymen. U.S. should topple the Mexican corrupt government / install a new government -overseen by U.S. government. Like in Iraq. And keep corrupt Democrats from getting they're hands into this mess. Created by them/ and continue, that we owe them something. U.S. Tax-payers have been supporting this mess for generations.
S-MONK3 hours ago
USA is one of the Biggest that has been selling citizenship to the wealthy and its been going on for some time!
mary5 hours ago
The US Embassy in the Philippines is notorius for " selling visas " . As the Filipino National doesn't meet the qualifications . So they bribe the officials so they will be issued one . And the other bribe is to get their application from the bottom of the pile to the first one on top . And they borrow the $ 10,000.00 necessary to " show " . That they have the means to provide for themselves while on a tourist visa . Never mind the $ 10, 000.00 was never there's to begin with .
Bill9 hours ago
It occurs to me that not only might America's poor benefit from selling their US citizenship and then buying cheaper citizenship in a lower cost of living country, but retired Americans who can no longer afford to live n the USA because they didn't save enough for retirement.
The Great13 hours ago
The U.S has been selling its citizenship for a very long time. Most other countries do the same.
sirvando9 hours ago
What else is on the table for Sale? Is a citizenship document the only thing? How about a litto chicken leg ?
Karmarama 200011 hours ago
No place that i'm interested in.
James S9 hours ago
Just let the Obama group or Democratic /Socialist Party take charge. They sell for votes just ask the illegals. By power for the party to destroy America. .
Kasu Theodore17 hours ago
Much like prostitutes, brothels, tax haven bankers, drug cartels, mobsters, human traffickers... do. What's common in all? They offer anything for sale (for money) including their body and soul! A prostitute sells her body, a country its sovereignty or jurisdiction!
Bob11 hours ago
At least these countries are getting some revenue, all the people coming across our borders have to do is sell their vote to a Democrap.
Lippy9 hours ago
I see the Maldives is not on this list. I think you actually have to be a Muslim to be a citizen there. Maybe that's why.
NYC20 hours ago
Every country sells citizenship , EVERY . The difference is the price . The Caribbean Islands are by far the least expensive with a direct invest of $100-$250K with the U.S. , Austria and Switzerland being the most expensive with direct purchase of T-Notes or other government debt at $10 million USD for the U.S. and $ 5 Million Euro for Austria and 5 Million Swiss Francs for Switzerland. There is always the extensive background and character check all must pass.
No country turns away foreign investor capital because they do not want to issue citizenship that is just plain stupid and counterproductive.
Ralph12 hours ago
Anyone who can to contribute to a country's economy without being a burden on that country should be welcomed. It shouldn't take a huge financial input. The minute someone is legally and gainfully employed, they will pay tax and that already contributes to the economy.
Steve C13 hours ago
Hillary not only plan to not sell citizenship, she plans to PAY illegals to come here by giving them free ObamaCare, Welfare, Food Stamps, and path to citizenship. Not only that but all their distant relatives will be first in line to get into US with new 50% increase in legal immigrants under Senate Bill she supports.
Vincent20 hours ago
Illegals are not the issue. Illegal employers are the problem. Start putting them in prison will start to solve the issue.
This being said, insane trade policies have put us here.
The TPP which will be passed in the middle of the night between Thanksgiving and Christmas will screw America.
Bill12 hours ago
I think this is a great idea. Since America is overpopulated, what we should do is allow very poor people to sell their US citizenship to overseas bidders.
Those bidders must meet current immigration qualifications before being allowed to bid.
This would be a great way to enable poor U.S. citizens who have no hope of an economic future in the USA, to possibly make enough money to not only buy themselves citizenship in some Third World country where buying citizenship costs less. but to have money leftover from the sale of their more expensive US citizenship.
Their new Third world country should be glad to have them because they would be immigrating with money to spend.
And with the cost of living likely being lower in the Third world, these US immigrants would likely to enjoy a higher-class lifestyle compared to the other people in that Third world country.
freeman 4410 hours ago
I have lived and worked in many countries except any within continent of Africa and while hate our two party system of government; I won’t exchange it with any other country.
Abu Ras14 hours ago
Mexicans and Central Americans might get a cheaper deal in one of those places. No free stuff available Jose.
Raphael18 hours ago
Make all U.S. illegals pay for citizenship and we could fix the National debt.
Eddie15 hours ago
The USA sell citizenship, just a few months ago they stop this special deal where anyone that invests in the US economy. $ 500,000 automatically gets a green card.
So now we are stuck with thousands of Indians, chinese and drug dealers that used this to buy houses and businesses.
Esentially the US was laundering their money, no questions asked where it came from.
Chucky4 hours ago
Those are Vietnamese currencies there.
Jovanavichs12 hours ago
America gives citizenship for free. Especially for illegals.
Ron19 hours ago
Everyone should consider a second or even third passport. It provides options as the US continues down it's current path. Socialism, totalitarianism, xenophobia, protectionism, isolationism, racism and all the ugly things that Hillary, Bernie and Donald have to offer. Get it now before, it's too late.
Robert2 hours ago
"A person can gain citizenship by birth, marriage, employment, or in some cases by check. So where can you buy citizenship?"
In America. I don't know exactly how much is it these days, but not too long ago it was sufficient to have $50,000 to invest in a business.
Steve H10 hours ago
Man, I hope Whoopi Goldberg and her pals watched this video. Now they have an option for leaving America.
richards19 hours ago
Here in the US we don't sell citizenship, but we give away all of the perks and benefits of it for free to anyone that crosses the border. Heath care, driver's licenses, education, preferred college tuition rates, food stamps, welfare - all free.
czeslaw17 hours ago
In US Democrat party is neglecting US law regulations and encouraging illegal aliens flow to US any possible way, and this way is trying to destroy the United States of America as a country!!! US Democrats are changing USA to illegal trash dumpster!!!
Arpad15 hours ago
Oh just stop lying at once!!! I don't know about other countries, but Hungary is not selling a passport nor visa nor its citizenship. I have noticed that recently campaign was in full steam against Hungary (Bill Clinton, Soros, Obama, Amnesty internaltional, Helsinki committee) and basically my assumption is that this is intentional lying to public. Wish all the readers nice day and to those who wrote this news a warm weather in hell.