Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Female Boko Haram victims in Nigerian camps forced to sell sex as food runs out
Female Boko Haram victims in Nigerian camps forced to sell sex as food runs out
Boko Haram violence has left more than 65,000 people living in famine in the northeast, with one million others at risk ABUJA, Sept 27 (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - Tired of watching her five children go hungry in a camp for people fleeing Boko Haram in northeastern Nigeria, Amina Ali Pulka decided to befriend a young man who worked in the kitchen. Desperate due to the lack of aid distributed at the Bakassi camp in the city of Maiduguri, the 30-year-old had sex with the man in exchange for extra food to give to her children. "I did it because I had nobody to feed me or clothe me," Pulka told the Thomson Reuters Foundation by phone, adding that the man, who like her had been uprooted by Boko

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