Thursday, May 11, 2017

How It Feels to Meet the Love of Your Life

Photo credit: Getty Images
The cliché version of meeting your ~one true love~ would have us all believe that sparks fly and birds sing the moment it happens. That would be very nice and extremely Disney-esque, but, obviously, it's not how things go! To get some insight on what the first encounter with the person you're meant to end up with actually feels like, a recent Ask Reddit thread asked the "lucky people" who've met the loves of their life to tell their stories. Some are sweet and others begin with awkward first dates. Here are 10 of the best stories for your own personal enjoyment.
1. "I said I didn't really do anything either, and we should do nothing together."
"We worked together and, to be honest, we barely spoke at all. He was a very shy person and quiet people would make me nervous. One day I randomly asked him what he does for fun, after months of working together, trying to get a feel for him. He said he didn't do anything and mostly hung out in his room. I said I didn't really do anything either, and we should do nothing together. It was a completely innocent suggestion and I never thought anything would come of it.
"We have been together for 11 years and married for six. I suppose the moral of the story is that there doesn't always have to be some grand meeting and sparks instantly flying. Sometimes, you're around someone for a while and slowly realize life is much better with them in it." - WhiskeyBrite
2. "When we realized the sun was coming up, we kissed each other goodbye, and she went home."
"I was dating her friend at the time. She was very timid. Extremely quiet. The girl I was dating was not working out for me at all; she and I broke up. I waited a few months and then asked her if she wanted to hang out sometime. She did. The entire first date was oddly not awkward at all. As soon as I got her to open up, she never stopped speaking. We went to the movies that night, and I didn't have much money so afterwards when we went to eat, she ordered and I pretended like my stomach was a little sour and said I couldn't eat right now. She spent the night at my house that night, but we didn't have sex. We just talked. Well, mostly she talked. She opened up to me and told me all kinds of things. It was really nice. Then when we realized the sun was coming up, we kissed each other goodbye, and she went home. She talked my ear off for the next eight years, through our engagement, marriage, and even through our divorce. God, I miss her yammering." - CDC_
Photo credit: Giphy
3. "I liked his sense of humor straight away."
"We met in class during my third year of university. He was the lecturer. I thought he was very sweet and a little bit nervous, and I liked his sense of humor straight away. I know that sounds really dodgy, but it's not. We're the same age (he was doing his PhD and was on his first teaching job, I was in my mid-20s because I'd gone back to uni after taking time out to look after dying parents), and nothing happened while I was studying. We just got on well and kept in touch after I left, then a few years later I realized that I'd had feelings for him for quite a long time and told him. It's our fifth wedding anniversary this year, so I suppose he kind of likes me too." - iwillfuckingbiteyou
4. "It was definitely love within the first couple of hours."
"When I met my fiancée, it wasn't love at first sight exactly, but it was definitely love within the first couple of hours. I'd just never met anyone who I felt such a bond with. We had slightly different experiences but took away the same lessons and feelings from them. There were just so many subjects that we got onto somehow, and saw them the same way every time. Years later, it still holds true. If she had a dick, she'd be my best friend. She doesn't, so I'm marrying her." - NoMistaeks
5. "He was sitting there in a full-body Pikachu costume."
"He sat behind me in my algebra class. One time I turned around to hand him an assignment and he was sitting there in a full body Pikachu costume. He just nodded and said, 'What's up?'" - Izze-bizzle
Hannah Smothers

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