Monday, March 21, 2016

Russia Built Another Crazy Off-Roader—And They Want to Take it to the North Pole

Jeff Perez
March 20, 2016

Looks like those wacky Russians are at it again. If you liked the ‘Sherp‘ we featured a few weeks ago, then you’re bound to love this ‘Burlak,’ which looks pretty much like a ‘Sherp’ on steroids. Because it is.
It was built out of admiration for the ‘Sherp,’ but takes off-roading even more to the extreme with an extra axle and a taller ride height. It can pretty much go anywhere, do anything, and run over anyone, if it so pleases. Watch the video and see for yourself.
But it wasn’t just built for fun (though, it looks fun as hell). Some people have big plans for Russia’s new home-built SUV. Founders of the Automotive Transartctic Expedition want to two of them to the North Pole and show off their new toys to Santa Claus. Considering it has a shower, a kitchen, and bunks, it doesn’t seem all the ridiculous.
Another ‘Burlak’ will eventually be built, and the expedition is set to take place in 2018.

  • This car has obvious design flaw. It could be seen on the video when this car is climbing on the small hill. The driver does this maneuver very slow. In order to be not overturn to the side.
    Center of the gravity of this car is very high because of large diameter of its wheels. Which makes the car very unstable? Especially because it suppose to be used at very uneven terrain with ice hummocks. The car supposes to be wider to be more stable. But its designers decided to make it narrow, so it could be driven at regular roads.
  • I've worked in Antarctica and the Russians always had pretty good snow vehicles.
  • Russians have amazing metallurgy skills so they need to concentrate on developing new lighter metals for aircraft and vehicle construction.
  • Global warming is a great thing for Mother Russia! The Arctic Ocean is opening up big time!
  • Didn't someone bicycle to the North Pole a couple of years ago?
  • I bet bunch of people in USA would like to buy it for grocery shopping on paved road. So they can complain agout gas price.
  • Top Gear did it in a slightly modified Toyota Helix.
  • Stalin would have found that such a vehicle would be great to run over all of those Old Bolivoks.
  • Russians makes the coolest stuff.
  • I'm amazed that Chevrolet sells vehicles in Russia.

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